Safety First
At Exline, Inc. safety is our business, and our employees value prevention over emergency response. Preventive measures are taken to assure that repairs and services are conducted safely with the end goal of creating an injury-free work environment for Exline team members and customers.
Having over 1.5 million hours without a work related lost time injury and team members who have gone over 5 years without missing one day due to work related injuries serve as testament to the precautionary measures we abide by at Exline.
Our efforts are spent heavily on creating a productive and safe work environment, which has directly result in having a record-low Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) year after year.
Have Safety Questions?
Please call, Vaughn Mortimer, Manager of Industrial Health & Safety, at 1-800-255-0111 or email him at
Additional Safety Resources:
Exline, Inc. is a member of ISNetworld, Veriforce, PEC Premier, PICS, and Browz.
Safety Credentials: